Friday, September 30, 2016

Purfling disaster

This is not a tutorial on purfling, because I still don't know what I'm doing.

I dry-fitted the purfling (carefully, slowly). The bee-sting tips in the corners were beautiful.

The hide glue mixture I made up was quite weak so it would wick into the groove well. While it melted I pried out the dry-fitted purfling, and it broke in a couple places. Worse, the corners did not fit beautifully anymore, not by a long shot. The glue was too weak and did not hold in every spot. The black dye started to look a little muddy because my glue was too watery. I give up. It has purfling, but exceedingly bad purfling. I won't use this method again.

The thing will have to be stained very dark to try to hide the mess. It's horrible.

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